Wednesday, March 28, 2007

ind. proj.-3

I would also like to explore further the idea of simultaneity. Along with the idea of seperationa nd the idea of having differnet agendas and schedules, I would like to record/film somone else who is close to me that I do not get to see and also record myself or video myself at certain points throughout the day. Then show the footage of what the other person is doing while I am goign about my daily routine.


In order to keep track in a way of what my other family members are doing and are invovled in I would like to keep track of mail. They would all each write me mail once a day and I would keep record of their letters throughout a time span of one to two weeks. I would disply the pieces of mail through photos or just by whowing their letters.


My family i separated into different lives. We are all focusing on different things. Becuase we are all on different agendas and schedules, I want to see what they are doing for once. Whether they are running an errend, working or ontheir way to an appointment.. anything. I will do this by calling them and recording our phone conversations. Either on paper our through sound ona tape recorder. This will give other people the oppurtunity to feel or experience in some way the emotions we feel when we talk to eachother. Events will be recorded or taken notice of. I will call my brother, my sister, my dad, and my mom once a day for week or two. Using a chart I will record their emotions then on another chart I will record their actions (what they ae doing). The emotions and events will varry depending on the day of the week and the time I call.

general idea- ind. proj.

Family is an important part of my life. Time is the primary factor in which to help a family evolve and change. I have learned that as everyone in my family gets older, our paths change and have gone in different directions. I want to notice the evolution of my family. I want to take notice of our past present and future. I am at college and personally have noticed a major internal growth ever since Ive left home. My brother and my sister have grown into "grownups" but Ive just mostly seen major changes in who theyve become. My parents continue to give and have all of a sudden become wiser... but maybe Ive just gotten older.